Featured Speaker

Johnny Morgan is the originator of Obedience 2 Death - a ministry that uses duck dogs as a vehicle to present the gospel.
A native of Denham Springs, LA, Johnny has lived on the same piece of property almost his entire life. He and his wife raised two daughters and have added a number of hunting dogs to their family since 2013. In spring of 2018, Johnny became the Senior Pastor at Live Oak Baptist Church where he had been serving since 2004. When the church lost the sanctuary roof in 2008, Johnny met Mr Hank and his "Kingdom Dogs." Hank and Johnny became fast friends and Johnny became a presenter for Kingdom Dog Ministries. By 2013, Johnny started Obedience 2 Death and picked up his first duck dog, Glory. Since then, he has since added Zach, Trinity, and Mercy to the team. Johnny's dogs have assisted Johnny in Obedience 2 Death presentations and God has used them to bring many to saving faith.
22nd Annual Outdoorsman Banquet
Tuesday, September 23, 2025
Individual Tickets, $--/ea
Table Tickets (8 seats), $---
Tickets will be available in the church office.
Banquet Highlights
Exhibits open at 5:00pm
Door Prize Drawings begin at 5:15pm [deposit ticket stub at door for drawing entry]
Dinner service begins at 6:00pm
Program begins at 6:45pm
Outdoorsman Photo Contest Winners
Grand Prize Drawings