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The hard truth...

Heaven is reserved for those who have a perfect record. Just one white lie in your past will send you to hell, but God made an escape that cost Him His life. It's a narrow path - don't wait to settle this, you are not promised your next breath.

The good news makes more sense when we are confronted with the bad news - that our choices have separated us from God and no amount of good works on our part can make up for what we've done. There's only one way to make that right - Jesus called us to submit to God's leadership [repent of sin] and believe in the gospel - that Jesus Christ is God's Son, He lived a sinless life, bore God's wrath for our sin on the cross and died to pay your sin debt - but that's not all - He rose from the grave. He is our only hope of eternal life - our only hope of heaven.

If you'd like to talk with a minister - send us a note and we'll get with you to schedule a time to talk about this important decision.

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